Here you can find testimonials from clients treated by Dr Lipsey
I felt that I was a 'lost cause'...I felt completely hopeless. I felt that I had to just carry on living my life feeling so bad. I firmly believed that nothing could change the way I was feeling. After seeing many different therapists, I was unsure about embarking on yet another, however I was pleasantly surprised when I started treatment with Dr.Lipsey...week by week I began to feel better. I was able to do things that I had found impossible for years. At the end of treatment I felt like a completely different person...I felt very positive, optimistic and felt more comfortable being 'me'. My attitudes towards food and body image changed and I was able to think about the more important things in life. At last I felt free. I feel that Dr. Lipsey's expertise and pleasant, supportive manner were paramount to me going on to lead a 'normal' life.
Professional Dancer, Glasgow
I found it very difficult to ask for help. I felt very anxious about my first appointment and was worried about what to say and how to say it, but I felt reassured by Dr. Lipsey's manner as I was immediately put at ease and did not feel under pressure. When I left her office that day I remember feeling like a sackful of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders and I was left feeling that I was able to work with someone to get things right instead of working against myself and alone....at times it is hard but I am getting there achieving specific goals. I find it relatively difficult to trust people but I trust that Dr. Lipsey has the ability and skill to enable me start helping myself.
Experienced childhood physical and sexual abuse, Glasgow
As Dr Lipsey is out with the internal support services provided to me as an elite athlete, she has a non-biased opinion of me. Consequently I feel I can open up more and feel she is non-judgmental and non-critical of me. I can feel at ease knowing that her knowledge of me and my weaknesses will not make her act any differently towards me, and most importantly, will not affect selection criteria for team selection and the Olympic Games.
European and World Class Athlete, Scotland
"As a young, talented athlete I never suspected that the pressures of competition combined with teenage insecurities would lead to a potentially career and life wrecking eating disorder. However, 7 years, a spell at the Priory and 3 psychologists later I was forced to admit that Bulimia was still a very real problem in my life. As personal stress led to a resurgence of almost daily bingeing and purging cycles, my training and competition performances started to suffer. It was this that made me determined to, finally, leave my past behind. From my first meeting with Dr Lipsey I understood that this was someone who could not only listen and empathise, but could probe and force me to question not only my relationship with food but with myself and my family. My self destructive thoughts may never completely disappear, but thanks to Dr Lipsey and Athlete Alive I now have the control mechanisms, the belief in myself and the support I need that when they occur, I can simply smile and move on."
European and World Class Athlete, Scotland